Friday, March 27, 2009

Lord Vader's Road Trip - Part 1: the Decision

In the darkness of his garage Darth placed the holograph projector on top of his Harley and pushed a button. Up popped a light blue-tinged grainy image of his Finance Minister.

"Lord Vader, I must bear ill tidings. The Empire's bond auction failed. I'm afraid the market thinks ill of all the debt financing required to build the Death Star. Credit Default Swap spreads have spiked on our Treasuries and StarCraft Acceptance Corporation has repossessed your Lordship's Starcruisers for lack of payment. We will be unable to retrieve you from Earth for sometime. I'm afraid you will need to remain undercover for a while longer in your search for the earthling Jedi . "

"However, our Cultural Minister says your black leather fits with your current mode of transportation and you should be able to move among the locals inconspicuously for the time being. Our sensors indicate the Jedi you seek is in a land called Texas and you are currently in a land called Los Angeles. They are linked by land and you should be able to traverse it with your current mode of transportation. We shall contact you again when we have refinanced our debt and procured a new StarCruiser for you."

The projection ended and Vader was left in the dark with only the sound of his own labored breathing. "Next time I see the Finance Minister, he shall have severe trouble breathing."

With a motion of his hand the projector device flew into a satchel on the side of his bike. He waved his other hand and the garage door opened. He opened the flap on the satchel on the other side and peered in. Light saber...Check. Water Bottles...check. Energy bars...check. He swung on to his Harley and the engine growled to life.

Darth revved the engine, "What good is having an empire if it's bankrupt? I will find this Jedi myself in this land called Texas. Time for a road trip."

With that, he roared out of the garage and lumbered down the street: black on black on black, Vader, Harley, Asphalt.

He twitched his left index finger and the garage door closed behind him.

To be continued...